Marketing Blog

30 09, 2021

How to attract motivated hotel professionals

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2022-11-14T21:15:15+00:00September 30th, 2021|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

How you attract motivated professionals for your hotel - despite staff shortages ..Desperately looking for great hotel professionals? A persuasive job ad gets you a huge step ahead of the competition. In this post, I'll show you which mistakes to avoid in your employment ad and why the "about us" page is crucial to attract potential candidates. "This can't be right!" my hotel colleague cried out recently, completely unnerved.„First the lockdown, then all these regulations and now the guests are returning,and I can't accept them because I don't have staff"."We pay above average and always had a nice team!".."Mmmmh, [...]

13 05, 2021

More traffic to your hotel website – the best approach and 5 brilliant examples

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2024-10-30T19:23:58+00:00May 13th, 2021|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

The best approach for more traffic to your hotel website and 5 brilliant examples . “We have a great website, but how on earth do we get visitors to it?” A topic that is viewed with a great deal of skepticism in our industry. Image Courtesy Andrea Piacquadio "Without OTAs we have no chance." "As an individual hotel, we can't do that, anyway." "I have no idea about SEO." “I don't have time for all that effort”. Ok, let me be brutally honest: This is not about: "I'll have a look at it at some point". THIS IS [...]

21 04, 2021

Hotels after Corona – take advantage of this development!

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2022-11-24T20:53:58+00:00April 21st, 2021|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

Hotels after Corona: a development, you should definitely take advantage of! . Corona has shaken us quite a bit, but reopening is just around the corner. THE opportunity to reposition yourself in terms of marketing, because something has changed for hotels after Corona: Due to the crisis and long closure, guests are suddenly seeing hotels with different eyes. . Photo courtesy Crew on Unsplash . When guests think of a hotel, what they see first and foremost is the nice host. They enjoy the wonderful surroundings and the feeling of being looked after. All things they sorely missed [...]

18 03, 2021

Sell more rooms on your hotel website – 4 tips to make it work

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2024-10-30T19:50:53+00:00March 18th, 2021|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

Do you want to sell more hotel rooms on your website? 4 tips to make it work. Guests should book their room directly with you, no question. But selling hotel rooms is like any other product - the better you package and present your product, the better the business will be .. photo: courtesy unsplash-clark-street-mercantile-33931 When was the last time you went to your favorite store? Ahhhh, and why do you like it there so much? Most likely because you enjoy shopping there. Clean and attractive, a nice atmosphere, and shopping is easy and hassle-free. The shopping experience [...]

22 08, 2020

No direct bookings for your hotel? This might be the reason.

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2024-10-30T20:19:38+00:00August 22nd, 2020|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

Not enough direct bookings on your hotel website? Avoid these 3 classic mistakes. What helps hotels generate more revenue? The "right" guests, website visitors who book direct and - ideally - a full house. But despite all efforts, it's just not happening. And no, this isn't a lecture on search engine optimization and how to rank #1 on Google. Sure - your guests will have to find you, but the real problem is different. Many hotel websites just don't make a lasting impression, and that costs hotels guests and revenue. Because if they don't stand out in the [...]

18 05, 2020

Corona and the secret weapons of hoteliers

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2024-10-30T20:20:57+00:00May 18th, 2020|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

4 reasons why especially hoteliers could emerge as winners from the Corona crisis. . The world as we know it is just unraveling. A change that scares. Like all things that are beyond our experience and control. Because what we are experiencing at present is enormous. Hoteliers are among the hardest hit by the Corona crisis. The product "hotel" became practically unsaleable from one day to the next. After weeks of perseverance, the path to a new reality begins to unfold very slowly and carefully. How hard will it be? That depends, above all, on the perspective from which [...]

29 04, 2020

Dull, lifeless Facebook posts? Here are 5 terrific ideas for Hotels!

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2024-10-30T20:15:10+00:00April 29th, 2020|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

How to create original Facebook posts for your hotel and attract attention with vivid, sparkling ideas. I admit it. Designing Facebook posts wasn't one of my favorite things to do until recently. . Image courtesy Sara Kurfess/Unsplash It reminded me too much of the management cocktail parties of my hotel days. Every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. I was allowed to mingle with my colleagues in the “little black dress” for an hour or so to make small talk with the hotel guests... not really my cup of tea, because it was always kind of the same meaningless blah-blah. [...]

16 03, 2020

Hotelmarketing Success? How site visitors turn into guests.

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2022-11-26T19:40:52+00:00March 16th, 2020|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

Be careful what you say. The success of your hotel marketing depends on your words (and the quality of your website copy). . Successful hotel marketing has a lot to do with what you say, and how you say it. When visitors read the words on your hotel website, it has to resonate. Your words must trigger a reaction. And yet, the motto on most hotel websites remains: “A picture is worth a thousand words”... But how well does that still work when your guest has already looked at 6 similar hotel websites? Yes, the human brain can generally [...]

20 02, 2020

Want to market your hotel successfully? Show your true self.

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2024-10-30T20:22:28+00:00February 20th, 2020|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

If you want to market your hotel successfully, tell your guests how it is. "Nobody is perfect," and admitting small flaws makes you instantly "human" and lovable. And that's a marketing professional speaking. Crazy. I know. Of course you should present your hotel in the best light. . . But marketing a hotel with embellished hotel descriptions and photos is only successful at first glance. Sure, this might initially attract more guests and get them to book, but once they get to the hotel, you're in for trouble. Namely when your guests enter the hotel and realize things [...]

10 02, 2020

How whining hotel guests help you increase sales

By Bärbel Pfeiffer|2024-10-30T20:24:03+00:00February 10th, 2020|Marketing Blog|0 Comments

Whining hotel guests can increase sales! ... if you listen carefully ... and draw the right conclusions ... A good marketing strategy, the right guests and occupancy and sales will work. If only it were that easy. But (hotel) life is not perfect and where people come together, different expectations and personalities collide. This doesn't always go smoothly.. and that's how complaints arise. It might be uncomfortable sometimes, but listen carefully! Because this is the opportunity to see and understand problems from the guest perspective. In these moments, your hotel guests tell you what they really think. . [...]

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